Monday, October 31, 2005

Dull Holiday Eve

Only one word can describe me now: BORING or maybe another word: AGITATED.
Why leh ? Many many reasons...I guess when you’re not happy, subsequently if anything dun go your way, it’ll easily make you disappointed. From people in office to outside frens to everyone...haiz...maybe it’s me, I dun know. Worst of all, reached home and Sleepy was blasting the hi-fi. I hated it especially with the super loud base sound. What is wrong with these people ? Hmmm…at least one thing to look forward to, tomorrow’s HOLIDAY !! Though a bit wasted for not going out tonite...blame it on bad planning…

Sunday, October 30, 2005

You think there'll be bonuses ? Think again...

I want BONUS.’s end of the year AGAIN. Besides its festival season, it’s BONUS time too. Initially, I really put on high hopes for getting bigger bonuses. But now, seems like the chances are quite slim according to “sources”. WALAU...really fuck leh...if it’s true. I gave up my previous bonus when I joined this co. Although the big big boss did mention few times that he will try to give out bonuses if possible but then again…who knows !! And I thought that with the bonuses, I can settle some of the “loans” and pamper myself a bit…but all gone now...all gone…So, nowadays I'm trying to get rid of my expectation that I already built long time ago...

Happy Sunday

Woke up feeling better this morning. Yippie...never felt so good about Sunday. Haha...yes, because Tuesday is a holiday and Thursday too. So, this give you a great feeling by thinking you just need to work one day, then off you go and again, work one day, its holiday again. Friday is India holiday too. So, no late hours on Friday. How I wish every week is like this !!
Sleepy just told me that she’ll be going to Bangkok on 17 Dec with her friends. Can’t join them though she has been “chioing” me for numerous time. I need to save money lah...I’ve been over spending, so, those can save, then save lor. You think I dun wanna go on holiday meh…

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Today, never buy 4D leh...According to Zuney yesterday; in order to strike 4D, you must drink coconut water mixed with pineapple cubes. Finish the water (dun eat the white flesh) and eat the pineapple. One day I’ll try it…though a bit troublesome.
Kotek will be getting ROM this coming 24th Dec at the Singapore Zoo. Seems grand with all the horse carriage and stuff. It’s not confirm whether he’ll invite us or not (though initially, yes) because he got limited pax. Anyway, it’s totally fine with us. Then he’ll move in to his new unit at Tampines Blk 842. The place where I stayed before. The customary wedding will be at least 1 year later. So, we asked him, what if she got pregnant during this period ?? Though it’s already legal by law...but you know lah...Chinese society will still think it’s like a shotgun marriage. He said confidently, WON’T lah... ‘coz they still have many individual plans to do….OK…we shall see !!
Turning in early tonite. Will take the medicines now...hopefully no fever tonite...pray hard...

A Visit to the Doctor

Woke up this morning with a more serious running & blocked nose. Went down to Raffles Medical to see doctor. Given all the drowsy medicines. HAPPY. Will be “all time high” for these 2 days. The doctor asked me to rest lor...wun be going out then. But sian new DVD movie at home. Damn it...Wilson haven’t pass me the Eros and some other shows...Got to go…I can feel the medicine’s effect is coming now….


Left office at 7.30 to rush down to LauPaSat for dinner with Zuney & Kotek. The flu and cough are still round...but what the heck...still went ahead with sambal kangkong, sotong, tofu, fried noodle & satay. Then walked to Capital Tower to meet up Fongy. Proceeded to Shenton Way to wait for Beanie to pick us up. We went to “BFD” at East Coast (next to McDonalds) for drinks. Beanie had his dinner there and we had finger food. Beanie gave us his wedding invitation card. We’re told that we’re the first one who rec’d the card. What an honor !! But serious, we felt so special…Then, we went to Fongy’s 3 storey bungalow at Katong area. With a rooftop also. Bloody’s damn fucking big lor... Talked at the rooftop for hours. If to use one word to describe...FUN. It has been quite sometime since the last time we came in the “whole complete group”. It’s really great coming out with them...with all the dirty jokes, old-time stories, recent updates, office bitching, whatever nonsense, etc. We had a fantastic and wonderful time.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Thank God Its Friday

Met Shirley in the train this morning. She stationed at Changi today. Haiz...seeing her, reminds me of pretty, pretty, talkative, attractive, pretty & pretty. Haha...she must be damn big head when she read this. Not feeling too well today. From the few time sneezing yesternite, I knew I’m not gonna be alrite. So, this morning woke up with a blocked-nose and bit of cough. Minor running nose. However, the terrible sore-throat was gone. Now feeling slight dizzy. I hope it will be gone later as I will be meeting Fongy, Kotek, Zuney & Beanie to have dinner and drinks.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sensitivity Chip too strong.

Do you ever have those days where you feel like some people around dun really like you ? Giving you the cold look and making you feel intimidated. I being too sensitive ? Today is one of those days for me. Why the hell do I have to care what other people think ? Tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Arrogant Greg..but my good fren..

Happy and feeling satisfied. “Coz I went to this “long time never go, Tiong Bahru Mkt” for the porridge & raw fish and the “chwee kueh”. It’s a last min thing where I went with Brandon right after work around 7.30pm. Spent $7 on dinner and $15 for cab fare. Izit worth it ??

Thought of meeting Greg tomorrow for a quick drink. Hmm…since I have been mentioning Greg pretty often, maybe I should put in few lines here about him. Well..he’s tall, dark and handsome...haha...really. My good “maker” from Citi days. The king of manual input...haha. Went out drinking pretty often last time and too. Got a very “tao” a.k.a. proud face when he’s not talking or smiling. I felt that he dun easily mix around with people and can be very selective of his frens. But I guess, once you got to know him, he’s actually a very nice and easy to talk too. Studied in Australia & US before coming back to Singapore. He’s the first one who gave me comments about my farewell mail. He said that the mail is very emotional and touching. Haha...did he really said that ?? And yeah, bloody hell, always travel around...and will be going to New York this coming November. Got a pilot license. Fly me back to Ipoh, one day, ok. Haiz too bad, he can’t get into the commercial pilot training program due to some small little problem...if not, I can boast that I have a SIA pilot friend..but nevermind, we can still be drinking kakis...Anyway, cheers to our friendship.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rain...Heavy Rain...

Was trying to arrange one outing with Kevin this coming Saturday. So long never see him already. He seems very busy leh. Oh...ok, he should be shifting house now... Anyway, contacted him and to be confirmed for the Raya weekend.
During lunchtime today, stuck at Adelphi Center after the “appointment”. The rain was damn fucking bloody heavy and windy too. I think the whole Singapore is raining. Can’t even wait at the taxi stand or your whole pants will surely get wet. Waited for awhile before moving to another taxi stand. Ran out once the cab came into the queue. Reached Millennia Tower and guess wat…? The whole surrounding area was flooded !! Yes. it’s really that heavy.

Dreams Interpreter

Few of the nonsense dreams I had yerternite.
Part 1: A group of Japanese businessman was renting our rooms. Something likes hotel rooms. I told my “can’t remember who” that we need to be very quiet while walking pass those rooms. Really ???!!!
Part 2: We’re happily chatting about something with my aunt (who is famous for talking out loud...and funny women). Out of nowhere, we’re trying to find a good reference about something...and she suddenly said izit “women vagina” (as in blurted out in Cantonese)
Part3: We were standing at the road outside our old house. Suddenly when we lookup, my mother and I saw my grandparents inside the old house. Although we well aware that they’d passed away long time ago.
Hmm...sound ridiculous rite ?? Or some meanings here ??

Monday, October 24, 2005

High-teas we far.

Hmm...suprisingly today is not as BLUE as I expected. Time generally passed rather fast. Maybe because most of the big bosses are not in town…till Wednesday. Freedom guaranteed. Time really flies damn fast. It’s already end October and left with 2 months for this year. Christmas, then New Year and follow by CNY...scary...and my birthday. What have I achieve in life ? NOTHING !! Oh no, I got something. A collection with few files fulled of bill statements.

The gang actually made a deal where we said we will explore and try all the high-teas available in Singapore. Here, I'm compiling those places that we went:
1. Shangri-La = "Rose Veranda"
Rating: ★★★★★★
2. Marriott = "Marriott Cafe" - we went 2 times
Rating: ★★★★★★
3. Grand Hyatt = "Cafe"
Rating: ★★★
4. Merchant Court = "Ellenborough Market Cafe"
Rating: ★★★★
5. Swissotel = "The Equinox Restaurant"
Rating: ★★★★★
6. Tung Luk Restn. = "Noble House"
Rating: ★★
7. Mandarin Oriental = "Melt - the World Cafe"
Rating: ★
8. Raffles Hotel = "Tiffin Room"
Rating: ★★★
There should be more but I can't remember some of it. We started going in 2003 or maybe earlier. Hopefully, more will be coming.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mating Season

You see lah..Christine just msg’ed and asked for my home address. She’s getting married on Dec 1. to save ? Haha...but fine...sometimes, you just cannot save on certain things...furthermore, she’s a really good helper to me during my Citi days. A very committed and mature thinking gal. But a bit blur though, at times. And yeah, Robin’s wedding is on Nov 16. And I got a feeling within these 2 months, there’ll be more to come...from what I heard... Anyway, Congratulations, Christine...and all...

Routine Sunday passed just like that without any significant things. Nothing special. Life is getting more routine for me. I din go to the gym this fact this week. Woke up at 9plus. Had lunch with Sleepy at 11 plus. Fuck.. the tummy getting bigger and bigger…how ? Izit a must to have for people over 30s ?? I dun believe in it...I’ll get rid of it..eventually. As usual, do all the housework...the minimal one..ironing, mopping without sweeping and toilet cleaning. Thought of taking a short afternoon nap...but in the end, slept for almost 3 hours…Why can’t I be like everybody else, can take short nap...mine normally will be ended up from 2.5 to 4 hours…unbelievable rite ??
While doing all the filing and settling out my bills, I realized that AGAIN, I really need to do something about my financial spending and planning. When looking thru the statements and bills, I really really need to stop buying unnecessary things and start saving. I know, I have been saying that for ages... But, I really can’t stop myself, I guess the only solution will be STOP going out completely…but again, how do I escape all the wedding angpows that will be coming..? OK..this time is for REAL ! I will STOP buying things...ok..maybe except the Birkenstock sandal...which I’ve been aiming for quite some time now...
Just some personal experience I had today or rather not only today but very often...Communication is the essential elements in a relationship...any kind of relationship. I guess people will need to talk more and dun hide their thoughts in order to have a fantastic relationship. Yeah..yeah...of course people knew all these but, people tends to forget. I think if you hide it, it will make things worse. Haiz...but it’s easier said than done…well, fucking human…full of problems.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

My Good my friends..

Lewis called me from London just now. This guy is really enjoying himself there. Ok..ok, maybe a bit lonely and problems with the weather...but I guess by now he should have settled down and adapted to the new environment. Well, personally, I think he’s actually quite daring. Dropped everything here in Singapore and went there to find a job cum exploring/traveling. Will I be able to do that ? I joking ? Anyway, he’s there few months now..still working part-time and visiting full-time...haha... I heard he visited few Europe countries recently and had the super wonderful holiday..I think more exciting trips to come for him...bloody hell...must be having the great time of his life. I came to know Lewis when we studied in SIM for our Diploma course in 2000. Also a Malaysian – Johorian. Very good boy. Gentlemen to the girls. Innocent and sweet guy. Very helpful and not much temper during our various group projects. One of the closer classmates that became good friend of mine. Talking about classmates, then, there’s Jasmine, the girls who works in the media line. The “banana” girl. Very angmoh style. Someone who dun really hide her displeasure and easily voice it out. Very straight…dun give a fuck of what people think of her. Haha...thus, very fierce...but of course, very nice to us. The most traveled girl. Bloody hell...always on holiday..and always to those exotic Russia, Spain..etc. Stayed some time in UK before. Got a blog too...but too “chim” for me. Since we left college, only occasionally come out for dinner. Maybe, should come out more often...especially when Lewis is back. And yeah, last one from the group, Sindy. The very down-to-earth and simple gal. Got married in 2003 ? Just had her first baby late last year. Anyway, during out school days, she’s already a very motherly figure to us..haha...Maybe because she’s more mature and stable.
Well, they’re the few remaining close ex-classmates since my diploma days where we still keep in contact till now. We all had different plans after graduated from Dip. I have few others but not as close as this group. The last time we came out for dinner was for Lewis’s farewell before he leaves for UK. It is so difficult to meet nowadays with our busy daily routines...Hmm...hopefully, will still stay in touch…and more often.

Nobody's Perfect - Be Contented

Met Wilson for lunch at Orchard. Wow..heard from him, almost all got “wasted” at yesterday Jimmy’s birthday bash. They opened around 7-9 bottles of MOET and rounds of beer. Glad they had a good time. At Orchard, we walked from Tangs to Isetan to Wheelock to TopShop to Wisma to Heeren to Paragon. the time I reached Paragon, my legs were calling out for S.O.S. Bought a magazine from HMV and also, Stefanie Sun’s latest album. And yeah. I bought perfume from Mont Blanc – Starwalker. Stopped at Spinneli for drinks.
We’re talking about nobody’s perfect in this world. So, people out there, stop searching for one. But how do you define PERFECT ? Perfect to you, doesn’t mean perfect to me, rite ?? When you found someone who you thought perfect, but then, you realized that something was missing and you feel disappointed…and you will keep on looking for the next one…People well aware that there’s no such thing as perfect out there..but still, people will hope that miracle will happen. That’s the, the solution will be…CONTENTED. People must be contented..’coz there will always be someone that seems to be better will appears along the way…haha..ok ok..all these are happening to me..and I’m actually telling myself..How ? How ? I'm still searching..

Something that we can't avoid : DEATH

Ok, by now, everybody should have known that M’sia premier’s wife had passed away on early Thursday morning due to breast cancer. Somehow, I quite like her..she portrayed an image that’s very down-to-earth and likeable by the citizen. I guess losing someone that you love dearly and deeply will be a very unimaginable and terrible thing to happen...I dun even wanna think about it if it’s happen on me..although I know, it will one day…and to everybody.
I read the stories about their 40years marriage and how loving they were..but this one particular line that really makes me feel sad was…the one where the PM’s mother just passed away..and he called back to his wife (who is in US to undergo therapy) to tell her that...”Now my mother already left, please dun leave me...” How heartache can that be…I hope I can be strong when that day comes..

Jimmy - the Birthday boy

Wow…what a day..Melvin..out of the blue called me today. It has been ages since the last time we met. He was over at Millennia Tower to settle some loan thingy. Met up with him at the food court for awhile for drinks. He’s the father of a cute little 8 months old daughter now. I think almost 2 years ago since we last went jogging together (he was my jogging partner previously).
Today is Alwyn last day at Citibank. Sent him a congratulations and best wishes mail. We used to work pretty closely last time. He’s like the right pillar and I’m the left to the unit and Miss B. My lunch and complain partner. Really feel happy for him for finally escaping HER torture…though we do have our disagreement before..Like what they said, “one mountain cannot have two tigers” theory..
Yeah..went out with Bran, Claud, Linus & Dawn just now. Well, Dawn doesn’t really change much yet...still the same..pretty and easily get people attention..haha.. We basically exchanged stories..we told her about the office’s affairs and she told us about her SIA training. Very interesting. Went to Tangyin Palace for dinner at Pervis Street. Followed by Inter-Continental Hotel for drinks. Took a few shots..will put it in the photo album at the side. Finally, told Dawn about my address. Hey, you are the first one, ok. Since you are the one who recommended and “guided” me to this I just wanna give you the honors to be the first one to know about it. Please, keep it to yourself for at least awhile !! Thanks. And yeah..felt so sorry and guilty for not being able to make it to Jimmy’s birthday bash at NewsAsiaBar. They keep on calling and messaging me until now…it’s still coming in.. I know Shirley & Wilson are there now but who else…hmm, oh yeah Jeffri. But, he’s one of the last person I wanna meet..haha.. Seriously, I really really wanna go but....although I can still remember what happened to me last year during his big day. I’m totally gone where I need Nic and Shirley to hold me and send me back. Reached home, vomited like hell..not once, not twice or neither’s like millions time..where I keep on crawling and kneeling from my bed to the toilet..and the next day, my both knee cap fulled of bruises. I had the hangover of my lifetime and it lasted till night…How terrible…so, never mix beer with wine…So, sorry hor, Jimmy, this year can’t attend. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Karen : Chuan Yen : Roger

Btw, Karen reminded me a few old friends that I should mention here in my blog. First, of course Karen herself. Met her when she’s a contract staff at Citi in 2002 ?? A frequent and hardcore clubber. Used to go clubbing together pretty often. A pretty “innocent” and nice girl though. A simple and easily contented girl. Another one who good at words..and “smart”. Hmm..what else..let me think of something to expose her…ok, once, after clubbing at Madam Wong, we were waiting for everyone to come out..and she’s quite high at that time. You know what she did ? She yelled out: “Yeah..I’m a rich girl..I stay in a 3 storey bungalow…..” I think she’s not being boastful..she’s just being frank after a few drinks. Haha.. I always tell her that with her communication and writing skill, she’s a bit wasted to be in the operation work. But the thing is, she happy and contented there…Hmm..I strongly believe she can do more than that..and shine if she’s more ambitious.
Then, there’s Chuan Yen a.k.a. CY. My loyal “maker” last time..haha. A quite handsome and cute guy. A confirmed metrosexual guy..but too bad CY, now the trend is ubersexual male. Got a playboy image. Very angmoh kid. A super toys lover. A very fashionable guy..and dare to try out different style. This guy can buy dun know how many pair of shoes during his trips..and proud of it. Before you all think further, he got a girlfriend which I know too. Always share fashion tips..either real tips or "suanning" comments. Seems like dun really have any embarrassing moment during all those drinking session leh.. This guy is very quiet when he’s nothing much to say. Nowadays seldom come out..hmm..should find one day to catch up. Occasionally still see him around office area since his office is in Suntec.
One more, Roger. The religious guy. A quick-witted guy. Will only join us after his church activities during all our drinking session. Easily puke guy. Haha.. the worst was…I think was during his farewell party at O Bar. He’s basically a gone case. Have to send him back all the way to his room. Haha..reminded me something about that night. We send him all the way to his room which he shares with his brother. That night the brother was sleeping on the floor. When we brought him in, we accidentally woke his brother up. The brother got so panic why there’s stranger in his room and about to “attack” us…but of course we quickly tell him who we are..only then he calm down. So funny. But too bad, Roger like totally cut off from the group not long after he got married. What to is like that.. Come to think of it..this group used to hang out at Zouk / Velvet really really often last time. Haiz..those were the glory days…

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What a SON should least.

Called back home this afternoon. Talked to Mee for quite awhile. Just listened…listened…listened. They’ll be going to Bangkok / Pattaya in early December. Asked them to take care and exercise more often to prepare themselves for the trip. Old people mah..must be careful when traveling wat.. Felt happy after talking to least knows what’s happening in their daily activities.
Met PT and Karen for dinner at Tony Roma’s. Greg can’t make it. Proceeded to Starbucks outside Suntec. Saw Simon and asked him to join along. Talked about the old times. Realized that Karen got a blog too. She’s a regular blogs reader too..haha.. Thought of conning her to give her blog address, but she didn’t fall for it. Will search and check for her blog since dun wanna give me. Anyway, I’ll give me to her when the time is right. Left Starbucks at 10plus. On the way to the taxi stand, saw Shirley & Mitzel…inside Starbucks !! They’re flipping thru their photo albums. (Just came back from holiday) Just say Hi Hello and left.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Why still do or talk about it when you'll regret it ?

Went to see Susan this evening, as in 2plus. She looks pretty pale..still feeling quite uncomfortable. I guessed she just need to rest and struggle thru these few days. Get well and rest well to her. And you know what..I found out from her that the bills will come out to be around 10K+++.’s can an ordinary working class people afford it ?? That’s why, in this society, poor people better dun fall sick..!!
And yeah, I got a “so sorry” mail from Kelvin (the IT guy) for forgotten to inform us about the password thingy.

Fine..the “so difficult to arrange” dinner outing with PT, Greg & Karen has been cancelled AGAIN and moved to tomorrow night. Instead, I met up with Chryssie for dinner at Lau Pa Sat. Bloody hell, left office at 8.30 tonight. It’s always good meeting her up ‘coz she got lots of thing to say..haha..
Do you ever experience where you did something and STRAIGHT away you regretted it..? It happens to me too bloody often. Worst is, situation where you tell yourself that you’ll definitely regret dun do it..and yet, seconds still do it !! Fuck.I hate when I’m like that..feel like slapping myself. this Friday a good day ? There will be 3 events..our co’s outing, Jimmy’s birthday and Alwyn’s farewell. Too bad I can only attend 1. Guess I need to split myself..

Morning Frustration

Fuck..this morning woke up with a severe migraine. Dragged myself out of the bed..and took a cab to work. Reached office around 7.45am and thought of sending out few mails..and you know what..? I can't log into my PC. SOMEBODY obviously changed my user's password !! I called IT support and being diverted to voicemail. It's only half an hour..when Linus came in and when I asked him, he said Kelvin (the IT guy) did something to the PC and msg'ed him that he'd changed his user password but never actually mentioned others. So, I tried using that same password on my PC..and it's worked..Walau..Kelvin..what are you thinking ??? I dun mind you doing all the upgrading / installation works, BUT, at least have some common sense and let the whole bloody people involved knows about it..Ok..ok..I'm cool now..but still want some explanation..!

After "confronted" Brandon about yesterday incident, it's all about miscommunication. So, I'm cool about that too. On another note, I had many many many dreams yesterday nite or izit this early morning.. But, the thing is, I can't recall the whole event. I can only remember the people inside in all the separate dreams. I dreamt about my dad, Susan, Tony Leung, J.Lo and some other relatives - all in separate "episodes". Walau, the whole night like drama series marathon, many many episodes. When can all these stop ?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Susan had an operation.

Today, thought of going in office slightly later..but then..haiz..woke up around the same time and spent 15mins thinking whether to continue sleeping or wake up..FUCK..I hate situation where you need to make choices..especially people with indecisive personality and you’ll keep on thinking to do or not to do…obviously, in the end, I woke up the usual time and worst, I reached office EARLY. Hmm..that’s so DARREN. Did I tell you all before that I never late for work before during my 11 years in Citi ? So, here will be the same.
OK..Bosco, our HongKong office colleague came for the “express training” on the daily processing. He’ll be one of the operation staff stationed in HongKong to support the HKG funds. He’ll be here till Friday. I guessed Brandon wanna bring him out for an unofficial dinner tonite at a very last min...without telling me..although he assumed I’ll go along…And he knew I got something, I dun really know what he is thinking. Anyway, felt a bit frustrated..tell me mah..if you’re planning anything ! Haiz..maybe due to long working hours..feeling frustrated easily.. But I’m fine now. OK..back to just now, of course I can’t join them..’coz I need to visit Susan at Raffles Hospital. She had a ..not small, not major..maybe medium operation ?? Reached there at 8…walau..she was sleeping!! Put down the Dragon Brand’s Bird Nest (with rock sugar) which I shared with Mary at her bedside. Few minutes later, her daughters came in. Talked for awhile and left. Maybe, will go down tomorrow during lunchtime for awhile. Reached Tampines and met Daniel. Chatted for awhile and asked him about his new job. He just joined this Japanese Inv bank last Monday. Sleeping early tonite. There will be an outing with PT, Greg & Karen tomorrow.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Jaywalkers was really a super duper blue Monday !! The day was like taken forever to end !! Anyway, reached home at 9pm. Sleepy msg’ed and said that many TPs were surrounding all the traffic lights on the way back to our block. They were there to catch those jaywalkers. According to her, many were stopped by them. So, be carefull, you all out there. Hmm..this week will be a busy week. I need to go down to Raffles Hospital to visit Susan tomorrow. She’ll be going for an operation in the morning. Will be meeting Greg, PT & Karen on Wednesday for the postponed dinner and drinks from last week. Might be meeting Daniel & Gary on Thursday for drinks but it’s not confirm yet. Friday will be dinner and drinks with colleagues and of course, Dawn, to celebrate her early birthday. And then, Jimmy will be celebrating his Birthday at New Asia Bar - Swissotel this Friday too. The old man booked a place there. See how it goes first..most probably can’t attend the latter. But for now, thank God, Monday is over.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tiffin Room – Raffles Hotel

It’s the monthly gathering today. It started with all the bad things happening. First, Ray can’t make it because he got to help his mum to do something at a VERY last minute..and it’s important according to him. Then, it was raining HEAVILY..everywhere. Waited for so long before I can managed to book a cab. By then, I’m already super late and need to pick up Sharon somemore. And you know what happenned ? The cab didn’t come !! I have to call and ask for a replacement cab. Fucking hell..wasted my another 15mins. Then, I realized that Wendy can’t make it !! She needs to accompany her husband to see doctor. She messaged all except me and “suey suey” who’s the only one who knew Ray not coming. If we all know that both of them can’t make it plus the heavy rain, we could have postponed it to some other day.. And then, when I got into the cab, the radio was playing "What have I done to deserve this" by PetShopBoys !! Anyway, reached Raffles Hotel at 3.55pm. The high tea started at, not too late afterall. Wow..looks too high-class there..fulled with angmoh and foreign tourist..I guess. I think we’re the only 1 of the 2 tables of local. The spread were ok..but too concentrated at one place..with long queue forming up to take food. As usual, the normal talks and bonding session. Edna’s tummy getting bigger and bigger – 4 months plus now. Can’t hide anymore. Took few pictures. We left at 5.30pm and walked over to Raffles City / City Link. Later, went over to Orchard, TopShop and then, Paragon. Supposedly Wilson wants to buy handphone but because of his contract, can’t take the cheaper package. So, landed up, didn’t buy. Had drinks at Baker’s Inn. Talked about the next gathering. Wendy offered to organize due to her guiltiness. Maybe will go for something earlier and cheaper. The high tea cost us $37 plus each. Stayed till 8plus and took a cab back home. Here I am.. feeling tired, sleepy and super’s Sunday Nite.. Damn Sunday Nite.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

When can I go on holiday trips ??

When was my last holiday trip huh ?? Totally can’t remember ‘coz it was like fucking bloody long time ago.. Izit the Bali trip back in July 2000 ?? Walau, I can’t believe it. This meaning that, since I started my part-time course, I have never been to any holiday before..unless you count those KL and JB trips were holidays ! I see those people around me (you know who you are !!) go holiday like nobody business…trips like few months once !! I have been using all my fucking yearly leave for the exams and trips back to hometown and these hometown trips are not long somemore..! Will my mind go more unstable if I continue to go without any holidays at all ?? I dun have any break at all for the past 5 years…Europe..New York..when can I see you ?? Ok..give me 1 more year..and I swear I will at least go somewhere !! If this carries on.. I dun know whether I’ll go more gone...mentally.

I need to be more Discipline

At the gym earlier to run the treadmill…around 9.15am. Ray reached at 10plus and we proceeded to do the lightweights. I need to confess something..I broke my promise.. I said I wun buy anything at all unnecessary for the time being..but..this afternoon, me and Ray went into this Adidas shop at Heeren..and I’m being “tricked” into buying this vintage T-shirt that cost me $89.00 !!! to control myself huh ? Anyway, came back around 1 plus and watched 7 Swords dvd. Quite nice which was highly recommended by Ray. The ending seems like will have a sequel. Met Sharon and Wilson at Tampines Mall for dinner at Fish & Co. I think the food there is quite expensive. Had Starbucks coffee after that and chit-chatted there. I guess I can’t hide my webbie any longer. Soon, I will need to tell them the address. Will have an early night later as tomorrow will be the TUG monthly gathering..haha.. at Tiffin Room – Raffles Hotel.

The CheeseCake Shop - Part III

Read the previous entry first...

Nicholas = Kotek = Humpty-Dumpty etc...
The fat one with a big tummy, small head and sloping shoulder. Haha..weird rite ? Haha..ok ok..not really that bad lah. The tummy seems like muscle lah..from far far away. His head seems matches his body. He got dark skin and looks quite fit..again from far..He talked a lot...full of topics..A good organizer. He's the social and know the whole bloody department. Yeah, he's friendly, obviously. OK lah..he's actually quite nice and very helpful...but at times, a bit over confidence. Well, I must admit, he helped me lot on all the “techy” and gadget thingy’s. Gave me lots of references. Thanks, Kotek.Remember the night where you looked ok and fine after the D&D and heavy drinking session..? But after you sent Fongy back home, you slept thru the night at the letterbox area downstairs her apartment ?? Haha.. Remember your panty lines pictures at the Chalet ?? The pictures are still with me…Hmm.but recently, a bit "how lian", seldom come out with us by giving lots of lame excuses. Ah Fat, you better buck up..and do something about it..or else during your ROM, none of us will show up...

YinPei = YP = the unofficial and last member of the CCG
The super innocent and "clean" minded girl. She's someone the mother-in-law would love to meet or have. Quite a religious girl. But still, mixing with us, how to be religious ?? We basically corrupted her mind..haha..So, God, dun punish her..punish the rest of us.. Actually, we already censored our talks when she's around. She's very soft-spoken. Our only reliable source of bitching information from our previous unit in Citi!! A very photogenic girl. Got a very Harry Potter look-alike boyfriend. Seldom join us for drinks...but full of contribution during our talks..Anyway, YP, you should look around for job and join us, the Ex-Citibanker club..

Finally, that's all for the CCG...

The CheeseCake Shop - Part II

Read the previous entry first...

June = Zuney
The LV women. The educated and pretty lian. The young "aunty". The young “tai tai”. She's a very nice girl and always gives me the impression that she's someone who'll keep their promises and will be on your side no matter wat happens !! You know, like those gangster gangster about loyalty and stuff !! Haha..also good with numbers..every numbers will remind her about 4D !! Can see she love her boyfriend very much and willingly to "sacrifice" many things for him..She got a small tribal tattoo at her ankle..which make us all wanna make one too. Dun really have any embarrassing moment to mention about she also seldom joins us for clubbing…except maybe you like to go into Men’s toilet ?? OK..will think of one and write here...

Robin = Beanie
The quiet man. The submissive guy. The loyal kaki. The always late men. The Japanese boy wannabe. The unofficial Ah Beng. The Mr. Popularity. Overall, the Mr. Nice guy. Robin, there's few thing I wanna say to you when you read this: 1. Sorry, sorry, sorry for can't make it as one of your many "brothers" at your coming wedding. I really can't take leave after the launched of our co’s new fund. In fact, nobody is allowed to take leave. 2. If you have troubles, big or small, personal or work..share with someone or voice it out. 3. Dun let people control you too much. Either people dun know or take it for granted. Have your say !! Anyway, one of the memorable moments I can recall about you will definitely the D&D last year. You basically a gone case..vomitted all over the toilet..and hid inside the cubicle for hours..if I dun go inside and look for you..I guess you’ll spend the whole night there...And of course on a healthier note, remember our bladding session last time..ok ok, as in, we blade and you cycle..

to be continued...

The CheeseCake Shop - Part I

Just want to mention another group of people that I go out pretty often currently: The CheeseCake Shop Gang. The people here will know why it’s being called this name. We spent quite a few of our UPs and DOWNs time over at this shop. It’s a very nice and quiet place located at Siglap. Good for chill-out and it goes...
Chrystal = Chryssie = Fongy
OK..I'll have to admit..she's the most fashionable one, cutest and attractive. This woman is smart and good with words. A very positive thinking girl. Always show off about her 2nd class honor degree from NUS..Ok ok..I'm kidding..she dun show off but she did mention it a few times. We started became good friends when she's about to break off with her "Aussie" bf. We thought that she's a happy-go-lucky gal and manage to handle it..but, seems like she's not that emotionally strong after all. If I tell you what she’d done at that time right after the break-off, walau, it will be a shame to all the women..haha..But still, suprisingly, she bounced back within that few months..and perfectly fine. Now..happily married..opps..attached. Hey, remember the night where you used one of the beer jug and vomited everything in there. You’re so “chalak” that night where you basically can’t even really walk..and lay outside Double O bar. So embarrassing. And I dun even want to mention last year during our dept’s D&D.. horrible...

to be continued...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Shallow Guy..That's Me..

Left office at 8plus. Suppose to meet Greg, PT and Karen for dinner / drinks but was a last min. Landed up, went to the gym..alone. Earlier during lunchtime, bought a Bermuda from British India..and you guess how much izit ? $20.70 !! That was after 70% discount !! Wore it just now..realised it’s a bit tight..but wearable.

Sometimes when I say I’m shallow…I guess I’m really shallow !! I really full of nonsense ? I guess so too..So, Linus, currently you’re the main scapegoat..haha.. Or am I just trying to deceive myself and hide my feelings ?? Am I trying to portray as someone that I’m not ?? Hmm..told so many people, I’m on a brink to get into split personality or at least towards that direction !! As I said before, I hide most of my feelings and real thoughts !! Or what I said here might not even be real !! Haha..I’m having serious personality cum character problem !! Ok..time for soul searching..

Thursday, October 13, 2005

At Jennifer's Wedding

Surprisingly can leave the office around 7.30 ! But of course rushed like hell and luckily the volume was not very high. Attended Jennifer’s wedding dinner somewhere near Yio Chu Kang – Grassroot Club ?? So, after few glasses of wine and good I’m...feeling a bit tipsy actually. Met many many Citibankers and ex there !! Susan was there, Jimmy, Yew Min, Chee Seng, Ivy, Wilson, Vanessa, Jac, Serene, Ronald, Evelyn, Catherine and some who I dun really know but previously from the same department like Lily, Sandra, Joshua & Alvin. Another one who is missing from the scene was Rimy. He was at overseas. Jennifer was an old ex-colleague of mine. So, all of these people mentioned here, were at Citi at least like 8 years ago. Also, really want to take the opportunity to talk to Cat but suddenly, she just disappeared. Heard that she needs to rush to another dinner. So, missed the chances to talk to her. Used to be quite close previously but stopped contacting after she left Citi. Sincerely want to catch up with her and actually Rimy too..Smoked 2 ciggies tonight with Jimmy. As usual, can’t have a decent conversation with him. Only he “suan” me and I “suan” him. Something never changes..that’s Jimmy..fulled of nonsense but, actually very good to frens. He’s the very man’s man type. All in all, somehow, missed all these people. Will be another kind of gathering next month during Robin’s wedding. Fuck…she’ll b there…Anyway, CONGRATUALTIONS and Best Wishes to Jennifer, the talk and pretty girl.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

1 more to go...

India holiday. Left office at 5.45pm. Met up with Susan in Tampines for quick bites. Chatted with her about office stories. Seems like the situation is getting worse and worse. Francis, from the team just tendered today. YES !! Good..more people are leaving. Alwyn is serving his notice now. Things are getting messy there. Came to know that she – Susan, just had a minor breakdown 2-3 weeks ago and hospitalized for few hours for observation. And she’s going for operation next week, Tuesday, at Raffles Hospital and will be on long medical leave till December. Will visit her next week. She seems stressed and agitated when talk about current office affair. Haiz..wat to do..working with someone like that..


Am I getting old and became more uncle ? Just now after lunch, we had a very enthusiastic and interesting topic about houseworks. We exchanged our experience about all the Sunday housework that we had like, mopping the floors, what is the best way to mop, where to find hourly maid, cleaning the windows, kitchen, experiences with the washing machine, the bloody ironing, which detergent is best to clean the toilet, etc.. ? Am I ? Am I ?

Love Is All Around

Some interesting mail I rec'd previously. Funny but full of innocent LOVE...
What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

* "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8

* "When someone loves you, the way they say! your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4

* "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." > Karl - age 5

* "Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6

* "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4

* "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." Danny - age 7

* "Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss" Emily - age 8

* "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listens." Bobby - age 7

* "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6

* "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle - age 7

* "Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." Tommy - age 6

* "During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that I wasn't scared anymore." Cindy - age 8

* "My mommy loves me more than anybody .You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." Clare - age 6

* "Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken." Elaine-age 5

* "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford." Chris - age 7

* "Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4

* "I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones." Lauren - age 4

* "When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image) Karen - age 7

* "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross." Mark - age 6

* "You really shouldn't say 'I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it; you should say it a lot. People forget." Jessica - age 8

**** And the final one – In a contest to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed on to his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry"

My Webbie

Woohoo..Today is India Holiday. What does it mean ? Can go back early lah..Well, tomorrow will be Jennifer's wedding dinner. Will meet lots of old friends there..a.k.a Unofficial Gatherring. Anyway. Dun know whether can make it or not !!

Haha.more and more people were pressing for my webbie. Yeah I know, in the first place, I shouldn’t let them know at all..if I dun intend to give people. But really, I do want to share it but, it just that when I read back some of my previous entries; I realized that it’s quite personal and longwinded and BORING. What for gives people ? And, I just want to ensure I actually carry on…although I dun expect in future, I will be updating this frequent. I’ll let them know..eventually. Hmm..see, seems like I keep on contradicting myself.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Career Decision

While walking back earlier, something struck me in my mind. Yes, I must admit that for the past 1 year when I’m at Citi, I’ve been dragging myself to work everyday..but still I’m comfortable there.Yes, I must admit that, the job scope or career advancement or work experience there were nothing fantastic and admireable..but still, I’m already very familiar with the systems and culture there. Yes, I must admit, the management there was nothing to be missed..but still there were also people that I basically grew up with and feelings have been developed there. Am I starting to feel regret ? certain angle !! Or am I just missing the place ?? Hey..almost 11 years there leh..wat do you expect ? But all these mixed feeling will definitely not because of the management and job there ! Anyway most of my “kakis” left already wat !! Dun get me wrong..I love my current job and environment..I like the exposure that I can get.. I love the experience gained..although rather slow..I like the challenges and the idea of “new set-up” But am I making the right sacrifices here…just because I want to make changes in my career life and experience and different culture ? Do the sacrifices really worth it ? I gave up a branded name, I gave up my leader role of managing people there, I gave up my bonus & increment at that time, I gave up my seniority and comfort zone there. Maybe I’m just experiencing post-resigned withdrawal syndrome, maybe the reality finally hit me now.. I dun know. But, I’ll be fine..and since I have made my decision and I’ll stick to it. It's time to move on rite ? Better make sure I'll have a good bonus next year..

PT - A Great Gal

As we missed last Friday’s “grand dinner”.. we’re being compensated back with a good lunch today, at Kuishin-Bo. A Japanese buffet restaurant at Suntec. It’s quite expensive. Feeling rather moody lately. Izit because of tiredness, too much thinking or something else ? Sigh…ok, nowadays, finished work slightly earlier, like on average about 8pm. Met Tommy, one of my ex-colleague at the Tampines MRT station. He was just right after his jogging session. Seems like something never change in Citi. Talked for awhile. He just had a minor operation on his tonsil to cure his snoring problem. Then, met up with PT to collect the Vodka Vanilla from her. She just came back from Bangkok and currently on compliance leave. She stays a few blocks from mine. Let me introduce this pleasant friend of mine. PT as in PeiTing. She’s a super good girl. A very good choice to be a wife. Know how to cook and will do housework..haha. She’ll be blushing when reading this. I still remembered how she helps me to find all the “difficult” songs that I wanted and downloaded it for me. I dun have a CD-writer at that time. A very helpful and loyal friend. A very dedicated and hardworking staff. Will slog for the company…really. We cheong’ed together and had many drinking sessions before. But nowadays, we only will meet up for dinner session or maybe coffee. A good listener. Knew her since 2002 ? A good chat partner and my occasional lunch partner too. Basically, one of my many good and trusted friend


Do everybody like to COMPARE themselves in everything ?? I think it’s a very bad thing to do ! People shouldn’t compare things ! You will landed up feeling miserable most of the time. But at times, I just can’t stop myself from doing that. I have any good things to write about myself ?? Seems like I only have all the negative and bad traits !!

Monday, October 10, 2005

** Pretending ** M'sia Frens **

** Why do people have to be so pretentious about IT?? Obviously, they like IT..but keep on denying IT.. Am I being sensitive ? I dun think so. IT’s written all over his face. Because nobody likes IT, so, he can’t admit IT publicly. What the FUCK are you talking about ? **

** Today, Keong, my M’sia (and secondary school fren) called. Had a quick casual chat. OK..seems like I forgotten 1 group of fren to mention..Yes, my M’sian friends. Not many actually. In the first place, I had only about less than 10 friends from school times which I still keep in contact. Will give a few lines about them next time. **

Can't Meet Up To People Expectation

Why do I have to care and worry about not meeting up to people’s expectation ? Heck care lah.. You dun live for live for yourself !! As long as you think you’ve done your best, then that’s enough. Maybe people dun even put any expectation but you yourself set the expectation. Yes, setting expectation is good, but it must be realistic. Anyway, different people have different expectation. How are you gonna satisfy them all ? So, Darren, you get it ?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

How to control my Expenses ?

It’s time to seriously look into my “spending account”. There was once, a cab driver told me that, it’s NOT how much you earn but how much you spend !! How true !! I’ve been buying and spending like nobody business.. some of things which I dun really need or can live without. The fixed monthly expenses like rent, home allowance, mobile, cable, gym, insurance, etc. Thank god my school fees was over…Shopping spree..with credit card payment. All the drinking session and rather more lavish meals at times. Hmm, every month end with no savings at all ! This shouldn’t be the way. Maybe, I should start do some budgeting on a weekly basis..easier to monitor. NO more buying of unnecessary things.. NO more frequent expensive meals..CUT down on drinking.. NO MORE all these things until the next bonus..if there’s any. SAVE ! SAVE ! SAVE !


Do you have commitment problem ? I think I have a serious commitment phobia. I’ll keep on thinking about the efforts I have to put in, the promises, the time, the freedom, the expectation, the role, etc.. I have a problem ?? Yeah, all of us in Darren think so !!

My first Malay close friend in S'pore

The usual Sunday. Woke up at 10plus..skipped the gym session although I quite keen for the running..Well, had brunch with Sleepy at 11plus. On the way back, met Suhaidah. Walau..shouted “Weng Onn”..and I looked around..there she was..waiting for something at one of the grocery shop..Ok, those people who knew me since the early years, will still call me Weng Onn !! That was before I got famous and used Darren, haha. Su actually stayed few blocks away from mine. Also knew her thru Citi about 11 years ago. Used to be my lunch partner and Malay speaking buddy. She looks fierce and really fierce. She’s pretty and sexy. Also very dirty minded, that’s why can we talk mah.. She’s not really your typical Malay girl. Not very particular and quite open about the topics we talk and the food too. That’s why she will join some of the outings at those early years. She really treated me like a brother at those time..very nice. Eventually she got married and moved out of Citi in 2000 ? Still keep in contact thru mails and occasionally will see her around the neighborhood..Su, you take care, ok. Hmm..ok that's it. The show "Kindred Spirit" final episode cheesy rite ? And will be going for frog-leg porridge later..

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Mr. Nice Guy

Patience is Bitter, but its fruit is Sweet.
Hmm, I’m running out of time.. So many people to mention and I said before, I’ll start “introducing” my blog starting 1 Nov. Ok, just a short note on another special friend.

Tribute to Friend: Brandon Lim
Yes, met him at Citi almost 10 years ago..and straight away can “click” !!. The same gang as Lena, Inn Kien, etc. He’s friendly and easy to mix with. A very good husband and family guy. Very soft-spoken and give people the impression that he can be easily bully..but the fact, it’s not lor.. Always declared himself as the educated-BENG. Having quite a flat tummy (something I respect for someone who’s in his mid-30s) and, haha.. quite short but as he always said, not to worry, the God is fair, when you have something short, somewhere will be definitely looong. He transferred to another department after about 2 years with us but he still keep in contact with the whole gang very often. We used to visit his place over the weekend pretty often, either for dinner or mahjong session !! Hey, Brandon, still remember the rehearsal sessions at your place for the stupid “Shanghai Night” sketch ? The one for our department dinner performance !? Hmm..we seldom go to his place for the last few years..mainly due to his kids..not so convenient mah.. Oh yeah, I went with him to KL’s Citi during the crisis period for 1 month to help out there. Together with Susan, we experienced the KL work life for 1 month.. He left Citi eventually in 2000/2001 ?? Occasionally still call during office hours to chat…and catch up. Sometimes, I’ll meet up with him for lunch during my day leave. And you know what.., he’s the one who recommended my resume to my current employer. And, yes, I’m now working with’s like a circle. We’re now like “refresh” the, I guess can’t talk much about him since I’ll working closely with him and meeting him everyday..not so nice mah..sekali mention something he dun like leh..So, dun know whether it’s a good thing or bad when your immediate superior is also your good friend ???!!!

The Mystery Girl - Shirley T.

Went to gym this morning with Ray. Heavy rains. Picked Wilson up from Bishan and proceeded to Sin Ming for Bak Kut Teh which is strongly recommended by Ray. Bought a casing for my camera at Junction 8. Bloody donkey years never go to Junction 8. The last time I was there was for Susan’s Most Beautiful Grandma contest..The exclusively Sony shop's sales person was pretty helpful. Asked him some questions about my camera too. Also bought the 7 Swords DVD for $22.90 - quite cheap leh.. Came back to my place with Wilson to download the Mayday latest CD into Ipod. Had Katong laksa for dinner. So funny, msg’ed Shirley and asked whether she wanna join us for dinner..and her reply ?? Haha..she's in Philippines !! Got special delivery or not ? Yeah, only then I remembered she told me before that she's going there for holiday starting this weekend. Some info about my dear Shirley Toh. Well, she's my super partner in Citi..the same team as me..and we're backing each other in our daily operation works. She's nice..helpful, very soft-spoken..hmm, I take that last one back. And yes, very pretty and loveable..shit..what am I saying ?? Temper..mood..hmm, let me think..yeah a little..but who dun have when you're working so close together in office ?? One of the incidents that I can still recall was..there's one day, I guess both of us were in bad mood..and was trying to ignore each other’s, when I'm trying to ask her something, she's like pretend never hear ( least it seems so to me)..ok nevermind. Since it’s not important, I tolerate. Wait for my, suddenly when she decided to talk and ask me back something moodily, I ignored her back..haha..and you know what happened next ? She dropped the whole stack of documents / books she's holding onto the table and caused the big bang sound !! And she turned away and looking back at her PC (she's sitting besides me)..well, well, well.. of course I continued pretended like nothing.. After awhile, when she's really cool down, she's started talking back to me and as though nothing happened just now.. thing good about her, she will give you the “face” but very fast she'll make the first move to talk back to you !! She's super friendly too..from the cleaner to the security guard to the big boss..she seems to know them all !! She's quite active too..joining all the activities..and always represent our unit. We're in the same team for about 16, we talked about almost everything since she's sitting next to me.. She joined the rest of the gang to some outings pretty often too She left Citi in August last year..but we still keep in contact very often..and meet up occasionally to catch up. Sometimes we will meet up for lunch too since her office is around my area..So, Shirley, really miss those days of morning breakfast in office and all the talks/bitching while doing our daily stuff. Haiz..those were the days…anyway, all the best to you and yeah, when are we going for the license ??

A place you called Home.

Dun know whether should blame or thank the bloody India trades..that we got a good excuse not to go for the lavish dinner / drinks with Chairman. We finished at around 9pm. Rushed down to airport terminal 1 to send off YP. She's going to London --> Montreal for like 1 week !! If I'm not wrong, the trip is for her bf's co presentation thingy. We had a drink at Burger King..and as usual, bitch about what's going on in in Citi's office. Like family affair like that..Fongy & Zuney were there too. Robin came and picked us up to go to his new home. Had an orientation of his new place..the usual stuff lah..walkthru cum explanation.. Sigh...when can I have my own ?? Stayed there till 12plus. Fongy's bf sent us back to Tampines. And here I am..Got to sleep now...tomorrow early gym session with Ray and will be meeting up Wilson.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Goodie Girl

Sharon Yong: The Miss Girly Girl. The very family-oriented Girl. Well..well..well..the only remaining single girl in the gang...I think..unless she hides it from us..So, people, what are you waiting for.? Somehow, I also find her to be the daddy's girl. Sorry huh.. She's nice. Helpful..- yeah..thanks for the vodka. "Informative"..haha. Pretty..-serious..Loaded - remember the Gucci bag and many other branded things & all the trips. Loveable..ok ok..enough.! As she's still single, this explained why we still go out very often on weekends..from noon to night. She's also full of craps..although she won't admit it. And she also always have primary, secondary, poly, uni, parents, relatives, colleagues, teachers, dogs, craps, etc gathering. Always full of weird excuses...when we try to make arrangement with her for weekends..
Ok..ok..generally, she's a good girl and very nice to me too...There's one time she brought a home cooked soup to office just for me...because we’re talking about it the day before. I felt so touched at that time. for Sharon..she seldom joins us for she hates alcohol..i think. So, no stories of her get high and do stupid things. Haha..she's a super Harry Potter fan..and talking about that..always borrow the “Baby Blues” comic book from me..never buy one yourself..! As I said earlier, we still go out quite often for dinners and movies during weekends. So, Sharon, here we are. Cut all the nonsense you want to say to me ok..after reading this. But still, cheers to our friendship and more years to come..

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Siao Char Bor

Wendy Toh: The "siao char bor". Sometimes really dun understand her with her super nonsense thingy. OK lah..she’s actually a nice girl, considerate but pretty fierce. Haha..she’s also the agent for our DVDs… We used to be reporting to the same immediate boss in Citi. Basically, we're in the same team. So, besides sharing personal unhappiness, we shared work problems /issues too..haha.. This one also "cheong'ed" before with us pretty often. Always have to send her back since she's living in Tampines at that time. I remembered there's one time she got so high..(dun worry, no Wilson-similar story) she cannot take it and puked in the cab. I still remember, it's spaghetti..eeew.. ok..Wendy..spaghetti!! And it's not only 1 time..there are a few times kena this kind of trips..vomit vomit vomit.. CANNOT DRINK DUN DRINK LA..want to show off for what ? .. And there’s one time, because we can’t find any plastic bag, and desperately need one, we gave her paper bag instead. Just imagine, how far can paper bag holds the thing..yikes ! She's very straight and voice out what she thinks.. Another thing I remembered about her was, we had a super heated quarrel thru SMS before..yes, SMS. When you're angry, all the hurting words come out. One message leads to another until it gets worst..and that was somewhere when she's about to leave Citi. I had forgotten what it is all about..but it's should be something about miscommunication. That's why, different people interpret msg differently. I only knew I felt really bad / sad after the whole incident. Luckily when other people came in and cool us down, we managed to sort it SMS too..haha..and forgot about it. So, Wendy, that's one of the silliest things ever happened between us..but "heng arh"..we got over it. We came to realize it's not worth dwell over it.. we reminded each other that good friend is hard to find..furthermore we already had an established friendship between us...Sorry again. Anyway, that was donkey years ago.. Hmm..wat else..yeah..we used to go to your place for pot-luck too..and remember those stupid board and card games ?? So, now you got married and we're all waiting for you to announce when we'll get the "little fren"..Best wishes to you...Dun get siao or mad again after reading this hor !!

The Chairman

The Chairman will be visiting tomorrow. I think he's on business trip and will be stopping by in HongKong, Singapore & Vietnam together with 1 bunch of business associates. I heard Claudia was looking for a good restaurant with magnificent view..I guess we all will be included..fuck...hardcore drinking again..AND, I'm suppose to meet Fongy, Zuney, & Robin at airport to send YP off..and coffee. How ?? Should I go off half-way ? But I could be too high to go then ?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Bad Boy

Wilson Tan: So far, one of the current so called closest friend around. Still in contact almost every other day. Although I came to know this guy about 11 years ago in Citi but we only became good friends recently..about 3 years ago. Let me see..this guy surprisingly quite sensitive at times although he got the bad-guy image.. Haha..initially, the group dun really wants to mix with him because of his this image..but eventually they realized that he's actually a very nice guy and easy to befriend with. He shows concern and care for friends when they're feeling down. We went drinking quite often too..but that was last time. Nowadays, we seldom go for drinking because of his late shift working hours. I still remember one of the incidents where he got so high that we need to help and hold him to walk out of Zouk. After when we let go of him to rest for while outside near the main road, he started shouting and said wanna go back..and run so fast towards the main road. Haha..I still can recalled, me and Greg got to chase after him and dragged him back. In the end, we need to send him back all the way to his doorstep. What a night.. haha.. Overall...he's funny and full of craps. And I thought I'm one who always can't make up my mind or so frequent minded..he's like double or even triple worse than me in those things. He can be so indecisive at times. Anyway, over the years, after all the outings and activities, we're so close that..we shared most of our problems..I think.. We still do go out pretty often..always almost every weekend..When we spend money buying unnecessary things during those outing, we'll start saying each other for wasting money..sigh. But really, Wilson, you’re causing me wasted a lot of money !! So, Wilson, I know you'll be laughing and full of nonsense comments after reading this, please keep it to yourself, I'll be seeing you so often..I dun want to waste my time arguing..haha..All in all, thanks for the friendship.

People doing drug injection

I was having drinks with a friend at one of the pub. Then, this group of hooligan looking people came in. We ignored them as they’re settling in at the next table. After like awhile, out of a sudden, one of the men there ruggedly pulled one of hs friend and walked thru between me and my friend to go into another further in area in the pub. My friend was being pushed aside. Ok..fine, we carried on with our conversation...maybe they're drunk..Later when I’m on my way to the toilet and passed by this small room inside, I saw just now that 2 guys were actually drug-addict and were doing drugs there and then.. My god..first time in my life I saw such things…before I can do anything, the alarm clock sounded..I’m actually dreaming..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Character Girl

Damn "tu lan" today in office. Just imagine, operation team without the operating system. The bloody connection to their server was having some technical problem. The IT staff was in a seminar and can only attend to us in the just doesn't seem right !! It shouldn’t work this way… And worst of all, nobody cares !! Finally, it’s only up in the, what else, rushed like hell lor..So irritated today.
Today was the MD's birthday. We had the birthday cake thingy in the evening. Landed up, we're all invited to a so called light supper and drinks at Paulaner by the MD. It’s only about 6-7 of us. After 3 plates of seafood platters, 2 plates of sausages sampler & 2 rounds of beers.. So, here I'm..high on alchohol..and feeling bloated. Will be going in late tomorrow...

Edna Kian: the tough one and the one with "character". Wah..this one confirmed the queen of the cheongster. Haha..thanks to her, we went clubbing pretty often last time. She can hold her drinks pretty well too..must be due to all the training lah.. She's one mentally very strong chick..and seems like knows what she wants.. and do it. She knows how to dress and accessorize herself..and yeah..since we're on this topic..Edna, do you know there're few girls who really admire your dressing that time ?? Haha.. dun be how lian after this ok !! Why I had the impression of you're a cheongster ?? Remember when we're talking with Ray over at Chijmes, its already 1 plus and you said you need to leave first as someone will be picking you up later at home to go Madam Wong !! Haha.. garang seh.. Remember when we're in KL, you are like super overly excited about the "wave party" we'll be going later of the day ? OK..what else about you..besides all the talking and outings...? Yeah..the "dramatic dramas" within your big group of girls ?? The catfight..meow..haha..Although after you got married..and later on followed your husband who was posted to US...I did "lost contact" with you for awhile !! As I always mentioned, I'm lousy in keeping contacts..well..that was another story. Anyway, now you are back and pregnant..happy for you. I guess we'll still keep in contact thru the monthly gathering..haha..and yeah another thing, remember one of the year when you came back for visiting, we followed you to one of those Hungry Ghost month dinner...somewhere..dunno was the first time for me.. haha..funny..with those yelling and auctioning.. So, good luck to you and to us...and our friendship..


Woke up feeling fine..but dun know why on the way to office. the migraine start coming. Now feeling a slight pain at the back of my head at the right side. Hmm..maybe the dreams again. Yeah, I remembered this morning's dream. I was looking at some pretty old pictures with someone I dun know who.. My dad was holding me in the picture together with one whole stretch of people besides us..which I can't really recognize. The thing was, I started feeling so miserable while looking at the picture..and told myself I dun want to be reminded of the past !! What does that tell ? Then, another dream was my cousin, "Malau" Wan (who are the leader in the group cousins) snatched something which I can't remember what..from me and saying it's hers..but in fact I'm sure the thing was mine..the rest I can't remember liao..So, there you go again...DREAMS.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Declaration - I dun really need to...but...

Declaration: I realized my blog is super boring..fulled with words and long sentences.. but hey, I dun really plan to let people know about it ok..well..until much much later..or maybe only for those “selected” one..As I mentioned somewhere, I’ll take the first full month to mention all my good friends and do some “warm-up” writing before it will be a shorter entry and won’t be so wordy…. And I also mentioned that this blog won’t have consistent writing style and fulled of old stories..Hey..wait a minute..why do I care ?? It’s my journal…anyway.

The Serial Killer

Friendship mood is in full swing. I'm gonna dedicate the next five days to the gang member of "the unbreakable group" a.k.a TUG. Hmm..let me see..who should I mention first ? There're six of us...which still sticked together after all the "wind wind rain rain" all these years..We're all pretty close..Ok..maybe I'll follow the alphabetically order of their surname..buuuut, I must admit, I'm closer to the guys..haha..Hey people, tell me if there’s anything to add on..Here are just my own a fraction of what I can remember. Well, here's the first one:

Ray Ching: My really really good buddy. Also knew him in Citi back in 2001/02 ?? He looks quiet and serious. But once you came to know him, he'll let go everything..haha. A bit of shy guy initially..One of my other friends called him serial killer..'coz he got that look. Wow..this guy..hmm..really really lots of thing to say leh..Besides that usual dinner, drinking, tanning, Jap classes, trips, gym, etc. we talked really a lot. Three memorable talks that I'll always remember will be, 1. During our trip to KL, we talked in the bus, we talked while waiting for the girls doing their shopping, we talked in the hotel room all night, and we talked everywhere. From those 2 days of talking, we came to know a lot a lot about each other. 'Coz at that time, we only knew each other for 3-4 months. 2. Somewhere at Chijmes, in the middle of the night, we talked and talked together with Edna, and he revealed that he's actually married (he's one yr younger than me) and has a kid. Complicated but pretty exciting and amazing stories..3. We drove to somewhere in the middle of East Coast beach with Wendy and had a serious and good talk at one of the bench till 3-4am. much we can talk..of course there're more memorable ones..but it will be too longwinded..haha. I dun really need to elaborate more..from all those talking, you will know how well we knew each other. We used to meet up almost every Saturday morning to go gym last time..sometimes even on weekdays...haha..those when the gym fever is ON. Sigh..nowadays, seldom..or maybe not with each other anymore. He got his 2nd kid, a daughter recently which was why he's even more busy to come out and meet. But not to worry, we all knew the strong friendship was there matter what happens. Ray, I hope you know that I’ll be there whenever you need me..ok..and I hope I can depend on you too..haha..

In the train...

When will they stop giving out TODAY newspaper for free ?? Some commuters are so inconsiderate in the trains. They'll flip and open wide their newspaper although the train is obviously packed with people. I hate it the most when the newspaper is touching my shirt..especially when I’m wearing white shirt..these people just dun have common sense...!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

"In America" - DVD

Hmm..Sunday night. Boring weekdays coming…especially the long working hours. Settled my monthly expenses bills and do some filing. Had an early dinner just now. Came back and watched “In America”. Wendy borrowed the DVD from her friend. Thought of not gonna watch since I dun really into drama movie. Turned out to be very nice. Very touching and inspiring show. It talked about this poor Irish immigrant coming into America to start afresh after their only son died. Together with their 2 daughters (very sensible daughters) they struggled to survive in the notorious neighborhood and also the lost of their son. The whole show talked about how the whole family helping each other to cope with everyday life..Things turn better when the wife got pregnant. But in the end, bad news again, to continue carrying the child, it will put risk to the mother and the child. Anyway, all in all, they managed to survive (the elder daughter do a blood transfusion to help the newborn baby) and accepted the reality (the death of their son). Should just reminded me that life is tough..and there might be people having a worse time than, stop complaining and face the reality..with courage and positive mind.

My Long lost Pen-pal - Mavis

Movie: SEVEN

Just finished ironing my shirts, mopped my room & washed the toilet. While doing all these, suddenly, hey I actually got a long-lost pen-pal in Singapore. I started corresponding with her, Mavis O since 1996 when I’m still at Primary 6. She still was staying at Ipoh at that time. She’s one year younger than me. After few letters, as usual, we met up a few times, chatted, meals and continued to correspond thru letters. Subsequently, she moved out to Singapore…but we still continue corresponding quite frequently. When I first came to Singapore, we met up too. Everytime, exchanging small little gift, photos and remembering each other birthday... Strangely, when I really came to S’pore to work, the corresponding slowed down too. Maybe, at that time, both were busy with our own working life and other things. Haha..ironically, when e-mails start to become trends in early 90’s, the more seldom we contact each other.. Only occasionally updating each other about our ourselves and how the work is. Eventually, she got married few years back and that was the last time I heard from her...where I sent her a bouquet of white tulips for her church wedding..I didn’t attend.. I tried sending her an e-mail..but no response..maybe she changed her address..Mavis, here’s wishing you great happiness no matter where you’re ..hopefully we will contact back each other one day…

Peaceful Sunday

Morning woke up at 10plus...and had brunch with Sleepy. Yeah..we're fine..haha..She still dun knows about this blog mah.. with her temper, she sure got something to say one..but we'll wait till then..While talking to her this morning..reminded me of one of the dreams I had..I dreamt that I got my bonus somewhere in December..but the blooody amount was not very desirable...less than 1 month pay. Terrible right..? Fuck..hopefully it will not come true...pray hard hard...
Hmm...Suddenly thought about my CPF money !! Since I'm not ready to but a flat yet..I'm thinking of investing more of the money from either Ordinary or Special account into unit trust. Currently, I'd invested SGD10,000 from my Ord Acct into one of the AIA's fund since about 3 years ago..and it's making money. If I'm not wrong, the latest check, my shares now worth about SGD17,000 !!! Not bad right..thanks, Greg. Yeah, I know, not everytime will be so lucky..But since the money will not be touched for the time being, might as well invest it in somewhere right ?? Maybe shd contact my Prudential insurance agent (they keep on changing, I dun even know who my agent is now..need to check on this) to talk about this..and to increase or talk about my insurance plans...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sensitivity Issues Here

Wow...yes, another 4 and a half hours afternoon nap. Still feeling Zzzz and dizzy. Earlier night outing was cancelled after all..landed up, went out dinner with Sleepy. Already feeling super sian (might be from the long nap), still rec'd some "unfavorable comments" from her during our conversation along the way to dinner. At times really cannot stand her on certain things..but she just too insensitive to feel it..Something about me being anti-social..Ok...Sleepy, pls dun makes this kind of comments when you yourself not really that sociable either and dun really understands me..For the record, the problem it's not about your friends or wat..but me being dun really like to join friend's friend outing..And stop asking for why why why from being me..dun like to explain things when I dun feel like it..As I mentioned earlier in my some other post, currently you're just too into your colleagues and newfound group of office "kakis"..Most of our conversations are just all about them, them & them..Maybe you're just too eager to show me you new best friends..? And for the record again.. I dun really like you bringing back friends on Saturday night to party at home..I need some quietness and rest over the weekend after all the long weekdays OT..Yes, it's not fact rarely...I'm just voicing my, I'll be understanding...PEACE ok..when you read this..

Lazy Saturday Afternoon

Just came back from gym session. Treadmill and more on tummy machines. Supposingly to meet Nic at 3pm and heading downtown to join the rest. In the end, I cancelled it. Dun think wanna go down to city again and later rush back to meet Wil, Shar & Wen at Tampines in the late evening for dinner. Body aching..I think I wanna take a nap..hopefully it's a short one...not like last Sat where I slept for 4 hours..can you believe it..4 hours for afternoon nap ?

Just to see the Archive function

Ok...first time crossing over the next month..Just want to see whether "October" is being displayed at the sidebar.. Btw, just had cough really have a little bit of cough...maybe due to the ciggies & beers I had the other day. The smell is still at my tongue.. Ok..gotto go some "interesting" vcds to watch...and tomorrow need to go gym..if I can..haha...
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