Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My Webbie

Woohoo..Today is India Holiday. What does it mean ? Can go back early lah..Well, tomorrow will be Jennifer's wedding dinner. Will meet lots of old friends there..a.k.a Unofficial Gatherring. Anyway. Dun know whether can make it or not !!

Haha.more and more people were pressing for my webbie. Yeah I know, in the first place, I shouldn’t let them know at all..if I dun intend to give people. But really, I do want to share it but, it just that when I read back some of my previous entries; I realized that it’s quite personal and longwinded and BORING. What for gives people ? And, I just want to ensure I actually carry on…although I dun expect in future, I will be updating this frequent. I’ll let them know..eventually. Hmm..see, seems like I keep on contradicting myself.


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