Tuesday, October 11, 2005

PT - A Great Gal

As we missed last Friday’s “grand dinner”.. we’re being compensated back with a good lunch today, at Kuishin-Bo. A Japanese buffet restaurant at Suntec. It’s quite expensive. Feeling rather moody lately. Izit because of tiredness, too much thinking or something else ? Sigh…ok, nowadays, finished work slightly earlier, like on average about 8pm. Met Tommy, one of my ex-colleague at the Tampines MRT station. He was just right after his jogging session. Seems like something never change in Citi. Talked for awhile. He just had a minor operation on his tonsil to cure his snoring problem. Then, met up with PT to collect the Vodka Vanilla from her. She just came back from Bangkok and currently on compliance leave. She stays a few blocks from mine. Let me introduce this pleasant friend of mine. PT as in PeiTing. She’s a super good girl. A very good choice to be a wife. Know how to cook and will do housework..haha. She’ll be blushing when reading this. I still remembered how she helps me to find all the “difficult” songs that I wanted and downloaded it for me. I dun have a CD-writer at that time. A very helpful and loyal friend. A very dedicated and hardworking staff. Will slog for the company…really. We cheong’ed together and had many drinking sessions before. But nowadays, we only will meet up for dinner session or maybe coffee. A good listener. Knew her since 2002 ? A good chat partner and my occasional lunch partner too. Basically, one of my many good and trusted friend


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