Sunday, December 03, 2006

Stan. Chart. Marathon - 3 Dec 2006

Well...I survived. Woke up at 5am and took the 1st train or maybe 2nd or 3rd... Met Eng Kok when came out from cityhall station and asked him to join us since I’ll be meeting Ray & gang near the padang. The race started at 7am for 10km runners. Basically, we walked the 1st 15mins because it’s damn too crowded. And as always, felt like fainting and dying throughout the race. It’s damn packed all the way to the finishing line...unless you’re a super good runner and zigzag thru all the runners blocking you...Anyway, we ran our own since it’s just too crowded to run together. Reached back the finishing line at 1.02mins...5 mins worse than the NB real run and the real run supposed to be more tough and difficult. And one weird or rather scary or worry thing happened;...I’m wearing double layer (the race singlet inside and my white T outside) because I can’t find the baggage area. So, I ran in double layer, hand phone & wrist-pouch. It must be during the pining of the race number on my T’s that it might accidentally ‘touch’ my nipple or wat that right after the race, I realized that there’s a whole big patch of disperse blood stain all over my right chest area. The thing is, I dun feel anything at all until I wanna take out the number then I saw it. Quickly took out the white T and just wear the blue race singlet. Surprisingly, there’s no stain on the blue singlet although I’m wearing it inside. Anyway, my whole white T was wet...and also with blood stain on it. No wonder, right after the race, while still catching up with my breath, so many people were looking at me...and my chest. So, once I realized the whole bloody (hmmm) thing, which was already like after 45mins after crossing the finishing line, I quickly took a cab just the wet blue singlet. Dun laugh,’s not funny.


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