Thursday, October 13, 2005

At Jennifer's Wedding

Surprisingly can leave the office around 7.30 ! But of course rushed like hell and luckily the volume was not very high. Attended Jennifer’s wedding dinner somewhere near Yio Chu Kang – Grassroot Club ?? So, after few glasses of wine and good I’m...feeling a bit tipsy actually. Met many many Citibankers and ex there !! Susan was there, Jimmy, Yew Min, Chee Seng, Ivy, Wilson, Vanessa, Jac, Serene, Ronald, Evelyn, Catherine and some who I dun really know but previously from the same department like Lily, Sandra, Joshua & Alvin. Another one who is missing from the scene was Rimy. He was at overseas. Jennifer was an old ex-colleague of mine. So, all of these people mentioned here, were at Citi at least like 8 years ago. Also, really want to take the opportunity to talk to Cat but suddenly, she just disappeared. Heard that she needs to rush to another dinner. So, missed the chances to talk to her. Used to be quite close previously but stopped contacting after she left Citi. Sincerely want to catch up with her and actually Rimy too..Smoked 2 ciggies tonight with Jimmy. As usual, can’t have a decent conversation with him. Only he “suan” me and I “suan” him. Something never changes..that’s Jimmy..fulled of nonsense but, actually very good to frens. He’s the very man’s man type. All in all, somehow, missed all these people. Will be another kind of gathering next month during Robin’s wedding. Fuck…she’ll b there…Anyway, CONGRATUALTIONS and Best Wishes to Jennifer, the talk and pretty girl.


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