Tuesday, September 05, 2006


We actually went to this Spanish restaurant called Streeters last Friday night. It’s at Keong Saik Road. Yeah, it’s kind of sleazy area but they’ve plenty of good nice ambience restaurants there. Anyway, back to this Spanish food we had...it’s really nice and rather cheap. We had the Sangria drinks too. Not bad. We went to Abhijit’s apartment which is not far away to continue drinking. Nowadays, to save money, just go to colleague’s place and self chill-out. But bloody hell, after all the savings, the cab fare cost me $20 that night. Fuck. Then, weekend was like gadget weekend. I bought the earphone with remote control from Apple shop for my IPOD on Saturday after my gyming session. And then, bought again on Sun, a portable hard disk; 100Gb. Pretty good bargain. Anyway, Linus helps me to get it from the COMEX held at Expo. Really need the storage to move all my precious songs, videos & photos over as I’ve a feeling that my current desktop will go down soon...


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