Thursday, August 24, 2006

2 more days to go...weekend.

Well...the days just passed by...nothing much so far. Hmm...let me see, yeah, besides my whole body is aching and the legs are hurting...well doesn’t really have much things happened. Anyway, now is in recuperating mode. No outing and no exercise for at least 4-5 days. Oh yeah, had free lunch yesterday by the Ichiban, one of the Jap restaurant around Suntec fountain. And as usual, damn bloody rush and tense. If your set come the last, you’re in big trouble; you just need to rush and quickly eat it so that you’re on same speed with the rest. Once HE sees you taking the last scoop, HE will call for the bill. So meaning, while you’re walking back to the office, your mouth will be still munching the last bite...yes, really.
Going Blooie’s tomorrow with T.U.G. Finally...the whole gang can make it...the 6 of us...well, at least as of now, nobody back-out yet. Then, will need to scout for a running shoe this Saturday...most probably, NewBalance.
One more last PIC from last Saturday at Nic's place:


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