Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dexter and Me are so similar...

Dexter had some kind of family dinner with all the relatives at some Chinese restaurant last night. As usual, all the cousins were around. And of course, THE COUSIN was around too. It’s a buffet-style dinner. Everybody went to take their food. THE COUSIN was seated at one table. Dexter was at another empty table. One by one, all the other cousins were walking in...towards Dexter direction but, as expected, THE COUSIN just wanna be the “influencer” and coaxed they all to join her there...at her table. Why ? Why ? Why must she do this to Dexter ? And of course, Dexter being the less-competitive person, just let her do whatever she likes to do...But still, why must she gets all the attention ? Ok ok...it all happened in Dexter’s dream last nite.


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