Friday, June 23, 2006

So long never go clubbing on weekdays...

We attended Christine (1 of the analyst in my office) wedding dinner at Pan-Pac last night. All of us went...1st time in the office got such dinner. Food not really that fantastic but the wine is good. Dinner finished at 10plus and I’m being dragged to join Abhijit for 2nd part. Serious, I’m already on my way back with the rest but this bloody guy kept on calling me. So, boh-bian; I followed him to NewAsiaBar and had another 2 rounds of drinks. Luckily it’s free-entrance...quite crowded for a Thursday night. Left the place at 12plus and and...a bit embarrassing to say but we went Insomnia. But really, the live-band is not bad. Anyway, stayed there all the way and reached home at 2.30am. And here I’m, amazed of myself too for not feeling sleepy or moody or tired at all. Well...I dun know about later...No more cheonging for today...I hope. Going for groceries-shopping later with Linus to prepare for his house-visiting tomorrow night. Should I go gym tonite or tomorrow morning ? Or should I go bladding tomorrow afternoon ?


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