Saturday, June 17, 2006

Nothing much for the past few days...

Hmmm…let me think what had happened this whole week…
OK…1 new India fund being launched…yeah, which means more reasons to stay late. Brandon was on leave earlier of the week and will be on leave again next week; 1 person less meaning more issues to handle. Then, on Tuesday, we met up with Dawny for lunch…finally. This appointment has been postponed and postponed for dun know how many times liao. Our first met-up after she started all her flights. Dawn, I think you slim down quite a bit also leh…! Anyway, hopefully we can meet up again end of this month as that day was too rush to really have some serious talks.
Basically nothing much this whole week except for Linus is so keen on buying the blades after hearing that I bought mine. Haiz…this guy, he’s really one of a kind…but this morning is not the right time to bitch. Don’t get me wrong…he’s ok…just with some “extraordinary” personality. Anyway, went out drinks at Paulaner’s…yes, again; with Brandon & Abhijit after our work which was like 9plus. No hardcore…just 1 liter lager. Well…for a change, this time 30% office bitching and 70% relationship issues…hahaha. Bryan was there too with his friends. Left the place at 12 and came back to watch the soccer match between Netherlands & Ivory Coast.
Hmmm…let me see…today’s activities. Most probably, I will go East Coast. Hopefully the sun will still be around. I’m really serious about the bladding…and to get some tan.


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