Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friendship: How far can you stretch ?

After having 1 big jug of vodka-ribenna at home, here’s my Dexter (one of my many personality-self) have to say; Fine, I must confess, I should have been outside clubbing now rather than typing my great frustration moment…if it’s not because of our dear Zuney. Ok…it’s all started this morning when we wanna be nice to like organize a mini hen’s-nite for Zuney, who’s getting ROM real soon. Booked a place at The Loof for the celebration and as usual, June pulls a June – a.k.a. fly airplane a.k.a. can’t make it due to some reason. Damn disappointed and sian and fed-up and sad...etc. Zuney, here’s for you; Dun promise and last minute…last minute cannot make it due to something…again and again and again. Sometimes, SORRY is not what a friend wanna hear again and again and again…especially our kind of friends…there’s always understanding and caring chips among us, I assure you…but…but your action really sometimes make us think where we stand in the friendship ! Consider these and sees whether you’ll be disappointed or not;
- YP usually does not come out on Sat’s nite nor neither does the rest; but since most of the ppl can make it, fine,let’s come out!!
- I’ve to call Kotek (who got lots of things to settle after his wedding) to BEG him to join us since it has been pretty loooong that we gather…
- Nobody wanna come out initially which explained why we rejected Beanie’s invitation to his housewarming. But we changed our mind the last minute, since it's a more special occasion; Sorry, Beanie.
- Fongy has her BF’s outing to go too, tonite.
- I break all my bloody strict rules and traditions and come out during my exams period.
Well, and after all the arrangement have been made, here you come and tell us that you cannot make it…the last min, as usual. Imagine how disappointed we all ??
But wat to do. You are one of us…although piss-off, we will still LOVE you unconditionally…however, there’s a LIMIT to everything…eventually, I believe. Ok...back to my fucking revision now...Get out of me, you fucking Dexter !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Dexter ... that about sums up my sentiments exactly ... and NOoo .. I am not under the influence of alcohol .. being straighforward shd be the way to go .. you don't have to take back what you said ...

1:58 PM  

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