Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fucking Exam Period !!!

Yeah Yeah Yeah…I know I’ve been missing for awhile. My bloody exams la…wat else… I hated it…I really hated it big time. I’m really dragging myself to complete this might-be-might-not-be last semester. Ok, here’s the deal; the degree needs a minimum of 10 credits out of 12 (in another word, you can actually fail 2 subjects) for them to issue you a BASIC degree without any honors…I’d 9 now…with remaining 3 subjects which I’m taking now. And I’ve decided to totally ignore and give-up on 1 of the paper. The good news, as stated in the regulations book, student finishing the last semester can opt to “give-up” the subjects as long as they fulfill the minimum of 10 credits criteria. But the bad news is the subject I wanna give up is in the “further unit” category. So, I dunno whether they will allow me to graduate eventhou I fulfill the credits thingy but fail the further unit. Ha-ha…confusing isn’t it ? Haiz…no matter wat, I’m on my way. Btw, my grades are those on borderline…so it doesn’t matter to me whether to have an honor category or not !! Anyway, just had my 1st paper this morning and today is into the 7th day of my leave. Seven days more to go before I’m back to the real world…although not highly anticipated but still better than my current world.
I’ve been isolating myself from lots of things too…no outing, no socializing, no clubbing, no drinking, no shopping…strictly just NTUC-home-kopitiam-home-exam hall-home. I’m like those pugilists where they’ll hide in the mountain to obtain a greater power…OK…wait for me, wait for me…WORLD !!


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