Sunday, December 11, 2005

That's why I dun like cheap stuff !!

Had my brunch with Miss Right at 11am. Bought a new ironing board for only $12 after much persuasion from her. And you know wat, cheap stuff will never be good stuff. Just tried it and it’s a BIG disappointment. First, it’s like super low, I gotto bend down pretty low to iron my shirt. Then, I can’t really put the iron at the side metal ‘coz it’s too heavy that the board will tumble to the other side. And the board looks super flimsy and fragile that it keeps on moving and feel like falling down any moment. Haiz…wat to do...iron with tender and care lor…bought already wat…
We’re going to cook tonite…after like dun know how many aeon years since the last time we cook. It’ll be simple dishes with veggie, fish & baked beans; my specialty.
And yeah, it’s Lijuan wedding dinner tonite. I’m not attending because of some selfish and kiddish reasons. Very bad hor…? BUT…but, I told her from the very beginning liao and most importantly, angpow will still be given…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, whos MISS RIGHT???

9:26 PM  
Blogger hammie said...

who are you ??

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MIss LEFT...

3:49 PM  
Blogger hammie said...

I only like Miss Centre !

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:53 PM  

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