Monday, December 05, 2005

Super Late Dinner

I hate Mondays...Why must there be Mondays ?? Why can't we start off the working week from Tuesday ?? Anyway, it's a super quiet Monday here, in the office with people either on business trips or on leave. I can almost hear the mosquitoes flying passes by...talking to each other...
The "Chairman" will be coming to town this Thursday. Haiz...I suppose there'll be "grand dinner" again; with hard drinking session in one of the days. Let's hope he'll be too busy entertaining other guests...
Just came back from “zhe-char” dinner with Wilson; he’s on half-day leave from his “Europe-shift”. Waited for him till 9.45pm before we went for our dinner. Fuck, there goes my no-meals-after-9pm regime. And I had 11/2 bowl of rice some more. And btw, Fongy, can you stop telling the whole bloody world that I went to buy boxer shorts with you last Saturday. Siao eh...
Just rec’d some very sentimental messages from Lena. Sob…sob… you know I’ll be there for you no matter wat happens…


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