Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Moody moody me...

Bloody distracting in the office just now. They’re filming from lunch time all the way to 4plus. Fuck, in the end, dun talk about suits, we dun even have to wear tie. Only 2 of the portfolio managers being chosen to have a separate screen time. The rest leh…be the extras lor…really. Me and another colleague pretended to be having meeting while another colleague walked by. And then, another one is the recep girl. Nevermind….
My boss just told me that he’ll be clearing his leave on every Monday as he still has plenty of leave and since he can’t clear in one shot. Walau…great. Monday will be more blue then…
Anyway, need to go down to M’sia embassy one of these days to collect some forms; I need to make a new passport. Then, Thursday will be Christine’s wedding dinner. Friday will be so-called housewarming at Linus’s place.


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