Friday, December 30, 2005

The Dexter in me...

OK…the Dexter (the other person in Darren) got something to say. The following are all from him. Dexter: I hate pretentious people…really. Why worries ? You can be frank with me anything…serious, I can take it. Yeap… I had one classic experience today. Petty story you may call it…but still…I dun expect people that I assume to be more than a colleague to me behaving this way. Wat a disappointment. Linus, one day when you read this; it’s ok. You well aware that Bran & I dun really click with MS, so it doesn’t matter if he dun call us for the dinner. You dun have to be so secretive, telling lies right in front of us and yes, you can always be frank with us. Isn’t it worst that we found out from someone else !! It’s not like, we MUST go along. Anyway…just some sincere comments from us… ha-ha... Peace, ok !


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