Mummy & Daddy
![]( down liao..after awhile ! Why I said this afternoon was good leh...? That was because I called back home..and did my least responsibility as a talking and listening to my usual..asked about them and what's home. It's a long call but it's enough to satisfy me..and made me happy. Did I tell you all that one of my biggest fear in life is, I can't accept the fact that they being grown old..and will leave me one day..I know I'm stupid and a coward...but I can't help it. Furthermore, I always feel so guilty for not spending enough time with them and do my duties as a son...I'm feeling so miserable at times.. So, GOD, please let me be strong and face the realities !!! I'll spend more time at home whenever I go back next time !! I promise. But the thing is, our family are those who are not so expressive with their feelings..but of course we care for each other deeply...More on them next time..Anyway, wishing a super super super best wishes and lucks to all my family members.. hahaha..
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