Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Monthly Gathering

Ok..I dunno how long before the effect will come in as I just had a full spoonful of cough syrup..So, this will be a short one..
As I mentioned earlier, today is our monthly gathering of the "old gang". Let me give this gang a name...the unbreakable gang aka TUG. A brief and express introduction of TUG.. in fact too much thing happenned between us that I can't really recall all. There're six of us...which originally got more "members" (some eventually isolated due to... well..long story leh.. hmm.. let's just say it, "different opinion and thoughts"..fights..cold war..bitching..quite dramatic..serious..haha) where we worked and met at Citibank back in 2001/2002. At those early years, we spent a lot of time together hanging out...having dinner, recky all the interesting places at night, just chilling-out and many other interesting activities. Friday is like understood that there will be something on. Clubbing almost every Friday..getting high, super high and drunk. Many things happenned..we shared our secrets, miseries, happiness, gossip news and problems. Sometimes, "house visiting" on Saturday and some other activities on weekends. Basically, we do a lot of things together and even went for trip together. All these made us having a very close bonding. We care and concern about each other. But of course...after one by one leaving Citi, and everybody moving on with different direction with their life..and things changes..As time goes by, it is so difficult to spend and find time together . But of course, the frenship foundation are there already. That's why we try to make it a point to meet up at least once a month. But still, some of us will meet up quite often..though will be in smaller group or whoever are available. We're like one big family now. I'm glad that I'd known them and spent a substantial time together in those years. It will always be a memorable memories for me.. The wonderful frenship will go on..thus the name..Unbreakable. Ray, Sharon, Edna, Wendy and day when you happen to read this...THANKS for the frendship. Cheers to our friendship.. and many more meaningful years to come..
To commemorate the occasion: the unbreakable

p/s - more on each one of them in future.
p/ss - believe me, once they see this blog, confirm they'll start "suanning" me.
p/sss - again, reminder, dun expect oxford english.
p/ssss - it was declared, from next year onwards, no more birthday gift from the group..just the on-going gathering.
p/sssss - actually, there're some pictures of today gathering.. but i will only post it some other days.


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