Friday, September 16, 2005

Blooooody Pimples

Warning ====> writing under the influence of alchohol:
I can't really understand the logic..I thought they said, when you grow older, pimples will STOP growing. Ok..fine, I dun mind growing older, but I DO MIND having pimples !!! What's happenning ??? Still got hormones change meh ?? I thought by now should be stopped liao...The thing is, the pimples are like taking queue numbers, one by one popping up...taking turns..Left cheek, right cheek, forehead, T-zone, etc..sigh...damn demoralizing....Hmmmm...on another note, I just came back from meeting one of my secondary school fren. Ok..he's more than a secondary school fren to me...firstly, i dun have many frens back in M'sia. This is one of the rare and remaining one. I really really appreaciate his frenship...everytime when i go back to Gopeng, he will give me full hospitality treatment. Yeau Wai, thanks for the friendship all these years. Come to think of it, we had known each other for like 18 years...Ok, he's on business trip and staying over at Pan Pacific Hotel. So, I'm meeting him at the lounge...and as usual, its the time to catch up all the happenings and gossips in M'sia. After 3 full glasses of wine and 3 hours later, we had a good talk and feeling quite tipsy, here I'm back at home at 1am on a weekday...
As usual, one of my fav poster before I sign-off:


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