Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I went for my 1st traditional Chinese sinseh consultation today. Fine...it’s just out of the blue thingy. My colleague passed by this TCM hall and wanted to check on his cough / flu condition since it has been quite awhile...so, I joined him lor...anyway, under our medical expenses, we can claim the bills. Ok, it was my colleague who went in first. Me and my another colleague were waiting outside checking out all the various types of Chinese medicines. I actually wanted to back out ‘coz seriously, I dun really have any “problem” or sickness to “report” at that moment...but haiz, fuck la...just name some old issues lor, my coll said. OK...when it’s my turn, I told the old man that I had problem with my sleeps...always got dreams and lots of it; so making me feeling very tired the next day or sometimes, headache. The old man looked at me and gave me that “So, what the fuck you want me to do ?” look. I think he also boh-bian and think of something to say. HE said, maybe I need to change my lifestyle a little bit, dun drink too much water at nite, dun watch “exciting” TV or do some sports...I said OH, OK. Then, I forced myself to come out with something more since already paid for the consultation fee; I said sometimes, I feel like I have this little phlegm but cannot cough out...so making it feeling irritating. Wow...good one, can think of this in such a short time...He said, ok...dun drink too much cold water...and that’s about it. Came out and waited for the medicines; 2 bottles of dark color syrup and I packet of pills; $40. Walau...I tell you, the syrups are REALLY like those medicated water / oil used to rub your legs or any parts of your body or whatever...I almost puke out immediately when I took it earlier...


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