Thursday, March 23, 2006

Planet Fitness; my first time.

Just came back from my virgin trip to Planet Fitness during lunch time. I went with Bryan; he went for the Yoga class and I went for my routine treadmill. Anyway, just want to explore the place 1st rather than hardcore exercise. I tell you...seriously, it’s so much better than Cali. You dun feel so packed and the floors are so spacious. I dun know...maybe it’s during lunchtime, so not so much crowds...but’s bright, tall ceiling, nice view...basically it’s an open-concept idea. More important, it’s just opposite my office. Give me 1-2 months...I’ll convince my evil side to just clx off Cali membership. But go during lunchtime is a bit rush though...slightly need more than 1.5 hours...including tapau back lunch. So, here I’m...refresh earlier but now feeling sleepy...hey, I did 6km and some crunches ok...


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