Saturday, January 14, 2006

Yesterday Nite...

Friday Night: Supposed to have 3 things going on; 1st. Vanessa, the fund accountant from Citi was organizing a gathering for all the fund acct-present & past. Not going for that since not really that close to majority of them. 2nd. Arnie’s farewell outing. Her last day with Citi was on Thursday and a mail was sent out to say there’ll be drinking session on Friday but…in the end, no news or follow-up since…Maybe, I didn’t bother to ask too…and 3rd. The CCC Gang. So, left office at 7.30pm to…supposingly meet Kotek. However half-way there, Zuney called and said she was done. OK…so, met up wit her first at Raffles Place before proceeding to Lau Pa Sat. In the end, the bloody Kotek said he needed awhile more. OK. Waited for him for half an hour…called him again…and as expected, needed awhile more. Fine, waited another half an hour. Called him and he said, why not we go ahead with the dinner first. Bloody hell, should have told us earlier mah. Never mind, 1 hour later…after the dinner, called him and he said, coming down now…Anyway, walked over to his office at DBS Building. Downstairs, and he still not done yet. It’s only AWHILE more, then he’s done. Walked back to Lau Pa Sat to accompany him dinner there. Talked a lot during the whole dinner. Seems like many things happened in his life…like he got R.O.M, his studies, his works & and his preparation for the customary wedding in May. Haiz…it has been awhile since we last talked…Same goes for Zuney, her flat, works & getting ROM soon…
Anyway, after the dinner, we went Penny Black and seated outside, the riverside. Fongy joined us after her D & D at about 11pm. So, the only missing person; Beanie. No news from him. Chatted till around 2…. And yeah, got few packets of angpow from Kotek which is from Deutsche…and will be getting some from Zuney; from DBS Priority banking.
And the other day, got it from Greg too… which is from State Street.


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