Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Long OverDue Course..sigh..

I think must be the age...last time when I'm at Citi, working late hours were nothing unusual..But here..seems like only 1 week of continuous late hours and I'm worn out liao.. What is 8pm everyday ?? Ok wat..but just somehow, easily feeling sick and tired...maybe too long never work this kind of hours already.. Anyway, stay strong..and healthy !!
Ok..this post is for those people around me that have been questioning and keep on wondering how come my part-time course like takes forever to finish...Ok..once and for all, let me explain it AGAIN in summary. For everybody info, I started the part-time with Diploma in Management Studies, ok ! That was in 2000 and the bloody dip took me 2 and a half years to finish which was in May '02. From April '02, I need to take an external bridging course in order for me to get a full 1 year exemption in my degree and the course ended in Jun '02. Straight from there, without any break, I started my external degree course with a major in Management in July '02. I tell you, taking part-time while working is not an easy task...Attending classes were the biggest challenge. To those people who keep on laughing and suaning at me, try it yourself and you'll know. You need to be super discipline, motivated and making lots of sacrifices. That's why your classmates, friends & colleagues are very important here. Ok..back to July '02, after paying all the tuition, registration and exam fees for 3 subjects, I realized that I'm not ready for it in the May '03 exam (UK exams is only 1 year once which starts in May). At first, I thought I'll drop 1 subject and carry on with the other 2 but when nearer to the date, I decided to only keep 1 subject. So, you know wat happened ? I studied for 1 paper and decided to absent from the other 2. So, I thought at least I can clear 1 paper and not the entire whole year gone wasted.'s the big blow, during when they release the results, they said I violated one of their regulation which was for new student, you must at least tried attempting a minimum of 2 subjects. So, landed up, the paper that I sat, will not be graded at all. How unlucky !! All my preparation gone wasted..Nevermind, I got over it and told myself to be more serious in the coming months. So, again, in July'03, I started my semester again and planned to take up 3 subjects again. Ok..this time round, at least I felt more confident and prepared. In the end, I really sat for the 3 subjects in May'04. Haha..managed to clear only 2 papers (Intl Business and Accts & Finance) and failed 1 paper (Sociology). Nevermind..tolerate and carry on... So, took another 2 new subjects and retake the failed paper in July '04. And sat for the exams in May'05. This time, luck really on my side and I managed to clear all papers, but with borderline marks lah (Marketing, Elements of Psychology and yes, Sociology). So, here I'm, started my course in July '05 with 3 new subjects and will also be the last 3 (Human Re, Organization Theory and Managerial Econs). Actually, I only need 1 more credit and I'll be awarded the degree..So, in another word, I'll only need to pass 1 more paper and I'll be given the "pass degree"..haha...I'm ambitious or not ?..haha.. So, people, just bear with me till next May '06 only, ok ?? On another note, feeling quite guilty for keep on missing my classes..Good luck, to myself. Hmmm..time to sleep liao..meeting 2 frens tomorrow night for dinner and drinking session. Cheeeers..


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